চিফ একাউন্টস এন্ড ফিন্যন্স অফিসার এর কার্যালয়

আইন মন্ত্রণালয়

চিফ একাউন্টস এন্ড ফিন্যন্স অফিসার এর কার্যালয়

আইন মন্ত্রণালয়

হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক

Current CGA


Mr. Kamrun Nahar
Comptroller General of Accounts (CGA)


Mr. Kamrun Nahar assumed charge as Comptroller General of Accounts, Bangladesh on 07th May 2024 AD. He was born on January 09, 1966 in a noble family of Ghatchek village under Rangunia police station of Chittagong district. His father’s name is Abdul Munaf and mother’s name is Feroza Begum. In personal life she is married and mother of two children. Mr. Kamrun Nahar passed secondary examination in 1981 from Dr. Khastgir Girls High School, Chittagong, higher secondary examination in 1983 from Chittagong College and got admission in management department of Chittagong University. In 1986 he graduated and in 1987 successfully obtained his master’s degree from Chittagong University. Mr. Kamrun Nahar passed 10th BCS (Audit & Accounts) and joined as Assistant Accountant General (Probationer) on 11/12/1991 AD. Later he worked as Assistant Financial Advisor in Railway Accounts after completing his professional training. He was progressively promoted as Deputy Finance Adviser (Railway), Area Finance Controller (Army), Divisional Controller of Accounts (DCA), Additional Finance Adviser (Railway Accounts), Finance Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer/East (Railway Accounts), Additional Director General (Finance), Bangladesh Railways and last served with distinction as Controller General Defense Finance (CGDF).



হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক

জনাব কামরুন নাহার
জনাব কামরুন নাহার মহোদয় ০৭ মে, ২০২৪ তারিখে হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক (সিজিএ) হিসেবে দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করেন।

অফিস প্রধান

জনাব হাসিনা বানু (অতিঃ দাঃ)
চিফ একাউন্টস এন্ড ফিন্যন্স অফিসার